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Teaching resources

On this page you will find pedagogical overviews, tips and resources to support your teaching practice

Academic integrity

Academic integrity is breached by students if they behave dishonestly when completing assessment tasks. Deakin upholds academic integrity by teaching students about their responsibilities, designing strong assessment tasks, detecting breaches, and imposing penalties for dishonest conduct.

Top tips

  • Ask students to perform realistic assessment tasks that require applied knowledge and Skills.
  • Show students the difference between plagiarism and effective paraphrasing.

Further resources

Active learning

How do students learn in your seminars? One way to reflect on this is to think about what students are doing in your learning activities. An active learning approach to teaching immerses students in their own learning. In effect, students can’t be passive participants because of the design of your activities.

Top tips

  • Think about what introductory activity will ‘hook’ your students into your seminar.
  • Consider, what challenge or problem do students need to solve together in your seminar?

Academic literacies toolkit resource

The Language and Learning team have developed ‘Teaching Academic Literacies: A Transition Toolkit’, to help teaching staff to reflect on ways of embedding academic literacies within curricula. This bank of customisable resources and activities is particularly valuable in the lead up to early written assessments.

Access the resource in CloudDeakin

  1. Log into CloudDeakin.
  2. Click the ‘Self Registration’ link on the right of the screen.
  3. Under the heading, Site offering, click on ‘Teaching Academic Literacies: A Transition Toolkit‘.
  4. On the next screen you will have an option to register – click register.
  5. In your course dashboard at the top of CloudDeakin you can now enter the Teaching Academic Literacies toolkit modules.

Authentic assessment 

Great assessment tasks are authentic and realistic. They tend to be motivating as students can identify the relevance of the knowledge and skills required for successful completion. Many authentic assessments are simulations of real-world scenarios.

Top tips

  • Ask, how does your assessment task link to a professional practice?
  • Consider which graduate learning outcome is embedded in your assessment task?

Further resources

  • WIL at Deakin explores how assessment can be linked to authentic learning opportunities.

Digital teaching and learning

Online learning at Deakin is delivered by a number of technologies in the CloudDeakin ecosystem. Learning online at Deakin emphasises the power of social learning as well as self-regulated learning and there a number of resources to help you design and facilitate your teaching.

Top tips

  • When facilitating an online class, keep the ‘story’ of your lesson in mind.
  • Zoom has replaced Bb Collaborate as Deakin’s preferred platform for online teaching – get to know its features for more effective class delivery.

Faculty Learning Innovation teams

eVALUate survey

The eVALUate survey gives students an opportunity to reflect and report on their learning experience in most units at Deakin University. It’s also a key component of the unit and course review process.

Top tips

  • Learn how Deakin uses surveys including eVALUate to improve courses, units and student outcomes.
  • Understand how to use eVALUate data to improve unit quality and provide the best student learning experience.


Further resources



Feedback for learning

It’s important to keep in mind that great assessment involves formative feedback. This can be led by the teacher but carried out by students as part of a learning activity prior to an assessment deadline. Teachers can also use a number of methods to give constructive feedback to students after an assessment has been marked.

Top tips

  • Do your learning activities prepare students explicitly for the task?
  • Consider audio or video feedback sometimes.

Further resources

Inclusive teaching and learning 

As educators, we anticipate learner diversity attributable to a range of factors including language, culture, gender, sexuality, religion and socio-economic status. Diverse student backgrounds are a strength in courses and units as they offer first-hand experiences and perspectives of the authentically diverse world in which we work and live.

Top tips

  • Always use inclusive language
  • Facilitate student group work that is inclusive
  • Consider Indigenous Knowledges, perspectives and pedagogies

Further resources

Located teaching and learning

Whether teaching a large class or a seminar, there are many strategies for engaging your students with your learning goals for the session. If you are teaching in a team, there are great benefits from designing the teaching collaboratively.

Top tips

  • Consider a teaching plan.
  • Think about how you ask students to know your key concept for the session.

Register for training in CloudDeakin

  1. Log into CloudDeakin.
  2. Click the ‘Self Registration’ link on the right of the screen.
  3. Under the Site offering heading click on ‘Curriculum Development for Unit Chairs‘.
  4. On the next screen you will have an option to register – click register.
  5. In your course dashboard at the top of CloudDeakin you can now access the learning modules.


Your assessment rubrics make explicit the criteria against which students’ work will be assessed, and describe the expected performance at each grade level. This is critical especially if more than one person is responsible for marking students’ work. It is important that the assessment rubrics directly reflect the learning outcomes developed in your unit.

Top tips

  • Consider, does your assessment rubric support students to complete the task?
  • Share your draft rubrics with a teaching colleague for feedback.

Register for training in CloudDeakin

  1. Log into CloudDeakin
  2. Click the ‘Self Registration’ link on the right of the screen
  3. Under the Site offering heading click on ‘Curriculum Development for Unit Chairs‘
  4. On the next screen you will have an option to register – click register
  5. In your course dashboard at the top of CloudDeakin you can now access the learning modules

Sessional staff learning modules

The ‘Sessional Staff Professional Learning Modules’ resource is designed to support sessional staff at Deakin. Find out about academic integrity, working with groups, your first class and giving great feedback.

Access the resource in CloudDeakin

  1. Log into CloudDeakin
  2. Click the ‘Self Registration’ link on the right of the screen
  3. Under the Site offering heading click on ‘Sessional Staff Professional Learning Modules‘
  4. On the next screen you will have an option to register – click register
  5. In your course dashboard at the top of CloudDeakin you can now enter the Sessional Staff Professional Learning Modules

Training resources SharePoint

The training resources site is designed to support teaching teams to incorporate new software into teaching and learning practice. It features bite-sized chunks of content supported by case studies and multimedia resources that explore a range of software that can be adopted in teaching and learning. 

Further resources

Download tip sheets

The benefits of using Talis Aspire for creating reading lists

Things to keep in mind when creating class recordings 

Useful tips for all staff when teaching classes online

How to engage students when teaching large classes online

Access quick links, contacts, important dates and FAQs for the Online Timetable app

A more detailed, step-by-step guide to the Online Timetable app plus FAQs

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