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MS Teams for Collaboration

What is Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is an industry-based tool that is used in 91% of Fortune 100 companies; supported by 44 languages and actively used in over 500,000 organisations to date. It is used across different industries and brings everything together in one place, so it eliminates the need for different types of software. Its introduction to teaching and learning provides students with an opportunity for work integrated learning.

Why would I use Microsoft Teams?

Microsoft Teams is a collaboration hub that enables teachers, students, and industry partners to collaborate. It enables video and chat functionality for group discussions and team meetings; artefact generation and project management software. It provides students an opportunity to work together on collaborative learning tasks in one space whilst the teacher can oversee the project and facilitate or provide input where required.

When would I use Microsoft Teams?

Explore the following use cases and how they have incorporated Microsoft Teams in their teaching and learning.

How do I get started with Microsoft Teams? 

Find detailed pedagogical and technical guides on our Microsoft Teams resources pages by clicking links below.

Laurillard, D. (2009) The pedagogical challenges to collaborative technologies, International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 4:1, 5-20

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