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Teaching Practice

Active learning venn diagram

Our Evolving Digital Learning 

As part of the Our Evolving Digital Learning Environments (DLE) Roadmap, the DLE3 Digital Tools project was developed to drive active and engaging learning. This project aims to establish a learning environment that offers a premium education independent of place, pace or mode of study and to explore tools that can be rationalised where we have existing gaps – particularly in the areas of i) collaboration, ii) self and peer assessment and iii) Portfolio tools. Pedagogies around these three areas overlap and are currently supported by a range of digital tools. This project therefore aims to address and develop various capabilities related to Deakin’s Graduate Learning Outcomes in our future ready students. 


In the teaching and learning, collaboration enables learners to work with one or more people to achieve a common goal and/or solve a problem. It promotes active learning through a community of inquiry where social, cognitive and teaching presence is integrated for a collaborative learning experience.

Self & Peer Assessment

Both self and peer assessment as innovative approach to assessment work towards developing a critical capability of evaluative judgements in our students. While self assessment enables individuals to critically engage with evaluating their own work, peer assessment promotes to assess that of others based on certain standards.


Portfolios are personal digital collections of work and evidence of one’s learning, career, experience and achievements. Working with portfolios is a process consisting of planning, collecting, collating, connecting and showcasing of their work, but with a powerful role for reflection and evaluation.

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