Deakin Teaching Capability Framework

Teaching Capability Framework

Professional learning
Using the Teaching Capability Framework to support professional learning
Professional learning at Deakin is designed to provide opportunities for staff to engage with activities, obtain knowledge and develop values articulated in the Teaching Capability Framework.
We know that teaching teams develop their teaching capability over time, through a range of activities, both formal and informal. We recognise that teaching teams are professionals in the higher education field, experts in their own disciplines, and autonomous in their learning.
The development of professional interactions amongst teaching and learning staff is an important component of our professional learning activities at Deakin. Our professional learning is designed to acknowledge, value and provide support for a multiplicity of formal and informal experiences to build capability.
Professional learning opportunities are listed below, along with the areas of activity, core knowledge and professional values that they develop.
Accredited programs
Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (Learning and Teaching)
(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, V1, V2, V3, V4)
The course is designed for both new/early career and experienced teachers/academics to learn about designing and teaching effective learning programs, creating and sustaining, supportive learning environments, developing and implementing effective approaches to feedback and assessment, and engaging in productive evaluation and professional learning. The four units in this program have been developed to support your learning across all areas of the Teaching Capability Framework. Deakin staff are eligible to gain a DeakinHE Fellowship on completion of this program.
Find out more
Graduate Certificate of Higher Education (Learning and Teaching)
Digital Learning Leadership Programs
(A1, A2, A3, A4, K2, K4)
Deakin’s Graduate Certificate and Masters of Digital Learning Leadership offer those who work in digital learning environments a validated, practice-based model of learning that recognises their professional experience. The programs are a mixture of taught units and credentials which recognise the student’s work-based experience in digital learning.
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Graduate Certificate of Digital Learning Leadership
Master of Digital Learning Leadership
DeakinHE Fellowships
(A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, K1, K2, K3, K4, K5, K6, V1, V2, V3, V4)
The DeakinHE Fellowship program is an accredited and internationally recognised peer reviewed professional recognition program that supports those with teaching and learning experience and expertise in the tertiary sector to gain recognition through a HEA fellowship achieved through a reflective practice pathway, or through the GradCertHELT.
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Transforming Digital Learning MOOC
(A1, A4, K4)
In this course you’ll examine what online learning is, who needs it, who creates it and why. From the perspective of ‘teaching as a design science’, you’ll explore the design theories and practices that are transforming the future of digital learning and digital literacy. This two-week MOOC runs in March, July and November via FutureLearn.
Find out more
Transforming Digital Learning: Learning Design Meets Service Design
Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching MOOC
(A1, A2, A3, K2, K3, K4, K6, V1, V4)
This MOOC has been developed by experts from a range of Australian universities and provides key introductory learning and teaching concepts and strategies for those who are in their first few years of university teaching. Each modules is 2 hours long.
Find out more
CAULLT: Contemporary Approaches to University Teaching
Online modules
Self-paced resources
CloudFirst 101
(A1, K4, V1)
This self-paced course has been created by the CloudFirst CoDesign team as a set of self-guided resources that can be used by anyone wishing to develop their curriculum using CloudFirst Learning Design (to access please contact
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CloudFirst 102
(A2, K4)
This course has been created by the CloudFirst Team to showcase experiences from colleagues of what it’s like to teach in a CloudFirst unit, and provide practical strategies to assist in your teaching (to access please contact
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CloudFirst 103
(A4.1, K4, V1)
This self-paced course created by the CloudFirst CoDesign team equips you with the knowledge and skills to apply the CloudFirst approach to building a Do-It-Yourself unit in CloudDeakin (to access please contact
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Inclusive Education Toolkit
(A1, A2, A3, A4, K2, K3, K4, V1, V2)
This webpage contains practical, easy-to-find information to support inclusive education, creating accessible information and examples of inclusive pedagogies and curriculum from across the university.
Find out more
Inclusive Education at Deakin or Inclusive Curriculum and Capacity Building
Teaching Academic Literacies: A Transition Toolkit
Building upon Language and Learning Advisers’ work in embedding academic literacies, this toolkit provides teaching staff with further options to support transitioning students (Self-enrol through CloudDeakin).
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Teaching Academic Literacies: A Transition Toolkit course
Sessional Staff Professional Learning Modules
(A2, A3, A4, A5, K3, K6)
A series of 1–2 hour modules addressing a range of topics in teaching practice developed for sessional staff, but appropriate for all (Self-enrol through CloudDeakin).
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Sessional Staff Professional Learning Modules
Scholarship of Learning and Teaching Modules
(A5, K5, V3)
This series of modules will introduce you to the nature, purpose and process of scholarship of teaching and learning, and assist you to develop and refine your SoTL knowledge and skills (to access please contact
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HERDSA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Modules
Staff Academic Integrity Modules
These modules are designed to support staff in understanding and supporting academic integrity at Deakin. They set out Deakin’s policy and procedure along with support in using Turnitin, designing assessment and the process for detecting and reporting breaches (Self-enrol through CloudDeakin).
Find out more
Staff Academic Integrity Modules
HDR Supervisor Online Professional Development (A2, A4)
This site provides HDR supervisors at Deakin with professional development to support their supervision of higher degree students (Self-enrol through CloudDeakin).
Find out more
HDR Supervisor Online Professional Development Site
Teaching and learning communities
Inclusive Education Community of Practice
(V1, V2)
The Inclusive Education Community of Practice is a forum where people with an interest in providing inclusive education can connect, support and inspire each other, whatever their levels of expertise. To join the community, contact
Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning
(A3, K4)
The Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE) investigates improvements in higher education assessment tin the context of a rapidly expanding digital environment. CRADLE holds regular seminars and events and updated information and dates can be found on their blog.
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(A2, K2)
Work Integrated Learning (WIL) experiences provide students with opportunities to apply disciplinary knowledge to work-related contexts as well as develop graduate capabilities in these contexts. For more information about the WiL@Deakin Community of Practice,
DLF Learning Lunchtime Series
(A2, A2, A3)
DLF Hosts a regular learning lunchtime series which supports staff to explore their teaching practice with their peers. Information about the series is available in the What’s on?section of DTeach.
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SEBE SoTL Community of Practice
(A5, K5, V3)
This CoP aims to build capacity in Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Interested staff are invited to discuss their specific teaching and learning research and practices, and share ideas through scholarly discussion, presentations and publication. For more information contact
The Imaginarium Community of Practice
(A1, A4, K4)
The CoP is a group of interested and involved academics and professional staff engaged in the development and review of immersive content for the Imaginarium, a technology-rich, immersive learning space in the Faculty of Arts and Education. Join the CoP here:
The Academic Developers Network
(A1, A2, A3, A4)
Membership of this network is open to academic developers at Deakin. The intent is to reduce replication of similar work effort across Deakin’s faculties and within Deakin Learning Futures by shared creation of resources for use across Deakin. Contact to join.
Other opportunities
Professional Development Hub
A range of opportunities and workshops are available from Human Resources Division at the DeakinDevelop website including leadership programs, mentoring opportunities, staff shadow program, study support and Academic Studies Program.
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Faculty-based professional development
(A1, A2, A3, A4.1, A4.2 , A5, K1,K2,K3,K4,K5,K6,V1,V2,V3,V4)
Opportunities are also available and can be accessed through the faculty learning and teaching pages.
Find out more
Faculty of Health Learning and Teaching
Business and Law – Building Capacity for Enhanced Learning
Deakin Learning and Teaching Conference
Held annually towards the end of the year, the Deakin Learning and Teaching conference provides an opportunity for staff to share their practice with others across disciplines and roles.
You can access presentations and materials from previous conferences on the website.
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