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Deakin Teaching Capability Framework


Those who lead teaching and learning at Deakin influence and impact on others learning and teaching practice. They work to build capability of teaching teams to provide premium experiences to our students. These lists are not exhaustive and not all staff will engage in all activities.


Typical activities undertaken by those who lead teaching and learning

A1 : Learning design

  • Provide leadership to teaching teams in curriculum development to improve learning experiences
  • Ensure that learning experiences meet external requirements such as HESF and professional accreditation
  • Negotiate and create effective and collaborative team relationships to enhance the overall educational design, student experience and outcomes
  • Support the development of innovation in curriculum and learning design within teaching teams

A2 : Teach and support learning

  • Provide leadership to teaching teams to support teaching practice in a range of contexts
  • Encourage and provide for capability activities, support and processes to improve teaching practice
  • Support the development of innovation in teaching practice

A3 : Assess and give feedback

  • Ensure appropriate variety and balance of assessment tasks and feedback practice across a course, which support learners to develop evaluative judgement
  • Lead the implementation of course level assessment and feedback practices including the potential for capstone and signature assessment and initiatives to support academic integrity
  • Lead assessment panels and moderation processes
  • Encourage and provide for capability building activities to improve assessment and feedback practices

A1a : Learning environments

  • Implement practices to ensure learning environments are accessible and inclusive across courses, disciplines or faculties
  • Encourage and provide for capability building activities to develop effective learning environments that support diverse learning opportunities and collaboration among learners, teachers and communities

A2b : Student support and guidance

  • Provide appropriate course level structure to support scaffolded learning, building toward the achievement of graduate learning outcomes
  • Employ, mentor and support teaching staff (including sessional staff)
  • Implement avenues of student support across courses, disciplines or faculties

A5 : PD, research and scholarship

  • Lead the engagement, application and contribution to research in learning and teaching at a course, discipline or faculty level
  • Lead the evaluation of practice and innovation through evidence and evaluation frameworks at the course and unit level
  • Contribute to and lead professional bodies and communities of practice in teaching and learning
  • Engage in relevant capability building activities in teaching and learning leadership
  • Reflect and develop own leadership philosophy


What leaders should know about teaching and learning

K1 : Discipline knowledge

  • Discipline based content requirements for accreditation and professional bodies
  • Connections between discipline and other areas in the university
  • Trends in discipline area including threshold concepts

K2 : Teaching practice

  • Current teaching practices in the discipline
  • A variety of teaching approaches across the course to support unit level outcomes
  • Ways to ensure that the design of the units take into consideration the work required by the teaching staff to deliver
  • Reflect and develop own leadership philosophy

K3 : How students learn

  • The implications of learners’ discipline backgrounds on the unit or course design
  • Ways to sequence content across a course to enable appropriate development of concepts and assessment of learning over a course

K4 : Learning technologies

  • Application of innovative, accessible and inclusive educational technologies to course and unit design and delivery
  • Assessment of emerging technologies for teaching and learning and their alignment to course and unit design and delivery

K5 : Evaluating your teaching

  • Course evaluation at a national, institutional and discipline level using a variety of evidence and analytics
  • The use of benchmarking activities across courses and institutions
  • Methods that validate approaches of data collection and validation

K6 : Quality assurance and enhancement

  • Standards of external accreditation bodies and University legislation, policies and rules including benchmarking
  • Use of student feedback and results and strategies to respond to issues
  • Course review processes including contribution to Course Advisory Boards
  • Policy reviews and policy development


Activities undertaken by leaders that demonstrate these values

V1 : Respect diverse learners

  • Translate and promote inclusive and accessible teaching and assessment practices to teaching teams
  • Raise awareness and build capacity in creating learning activities, resources, and assessments that foster learners’ indigenous and other cultural competence
  • Reflect diversity in course and unit staffing
  • Provide appropriate scaffolding to support a range of student abilities within a course
  • Provide opportunities and pathways for high achieving students within a course

V2 : Promote participation and equality

  • Plan, implement and raise awareness of study pathways and resources for learners from a diversity of backgrounds
  • Introduce faculty/course level programs that increase access/participation
  • Provide course advice to students
  • Monitor and act on student progress, retention and success data for the course, including for various equity groups

V3 : Use evidence-informed approaches

  • Lead and mentor staff to engage in reflective practice for teaching
  • Promote scholarship of learning and teaching through sharing of practice, developing evidence-based approaches, research into dissemination and/or application of research
  • Create opportunities for capability building activities for others

V4 : Acknowledge the wider context

  • Translate and promote university, faculty and discipline priorities to teaching teams
  • Translate and promote trends and issues within the discipline and the wider HE context around the student learning experience, student support, curriculum design, service provision and professional practice to colleagues
  • Analyse graduate outcomes and labour market trends to inform course renewal
  • Analyse national and university course performance metrics to inform course renewal

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