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Deakin Teaching Capability Framework


Those who deliver learning activities and interactions at Deakin support students learning on-campus, at work, online and in communities.

These lists are not exhaustive and not all staff will engage in all activities


Typical activities undertaken by those who design teaching and learning

A1 : Learning design

  • Design and develop course and unit curriculum, materials and activities that are engaging, inclusive and accessible, in collaboration with teaching teams
  • Develop and ensure constructively aligned learning outcomes, volume of learning and assessment of learning at the course and unit level
  • Introduce innovative curriculum, learning materials and activities

A2 : Teach and support learning

  • Collaborate effectively with teaching teams to incorporate a range of strategies for teaching in a range of contexts
  • Deliver learning activities which instil enthusiasm for the discipline amongst learners, encourage inclusive, respectful participation of learners, and create a culture of inquiry and collaboration which enhances learners’ autonomy
  • Introduce innovation to teaching practice

A3 : Assess and give feedback

  • Design and utilise a variety of authentic, accessible and inclusive assessment tasks and rubrics, which encourage academic integrity in collaboration with teaching teams
  • Design and deliver purposefully designed feedback opportunities and practices which support learners to develop evaluative judgement
  • Take part in assessment panels and moderate between markers within the unit
  • Introduce innovation to assessment and feedback practice

A4a : Learning environments

  • Provide learning environments which are accessible and inclusive, and adapt materials for diverse learners where necessary
  • Create opportunities in the learning environment to develop a culture of respectful, inclusive collaboration among learners, teachers and communities
  • Introduce innovation to learning environments

A4b : Student support and guidance

  • Design and deliver learning activities that scaffold learning to build towards achievement of graduate learning outcomes
  • Provide academic counselling and mentoring to students, including referring students to university services
  • Incorporate academic and other student support within learning materials

A5 : PD, research and scholarship

  • Engage with and contribute to research in learning and teaching to inform teaching practice
  • Evaluate practice and innovations through evidence and evaluation frameworks
  • Contribute to professional bodies and communities of practice in teaching practice
  • Engage in relevant professional learning activities
  • Reflect and develop own teaching philosophy


What teachers should know about teaching and learning

K1 : Discipline knowledge

  • Relevant and current discipline knowledge including applications of unit content
  • Threshold concepts in the discipline
  • How concepts in the unit relate to other units in the course

K2 : Knowledge of effective teaching practice

  • Current teaching practices in the discipline
  • Different approaches to explaining concepts to facilitate a diverse range of students to learn equitably, and to adapt materials where necessary for diverse learners with specific additional needs
  • Ways to ensure the unit is designed to scale so that models can be equally effective with large or small numbers of learners

K3 : Knowledge of how students learn

Contemporary learning theory

  • The implication of learners’ discipline backgrounds on the unit or course design
  • Development of support material to ensure all staff contributing to teaching are aware and supported to deliver the teaching philosophy
  • Development of a safe and respectful learning environment, including modelling and setting codes for respectful interactions, using inclusive language, managing sensitive content and conflict/disagreement effectively
  • Ways to sequence the curriculum to support development and evidence of learning outcomes

K4 : Knowledge of effective use of learning technologies

  • Ways to implement innovative, accessible and inclusive educational technologies in units and courses
  • Minimum standards and best practice in design and development of online resources
  • Use of learning technologies that facilitate collaboration between learners
  • Digital assessment and marking approaches

K5 : Knowledge of how to evaluate your teaching

  • Ways to collect and analyse evidence and analytics about teaching and learning in a unit or course across time
  • Ways to use evidence to implement changes to design and delivery

K6 : Knowledge of quality assurance and enhancement

  • Deakin and Faculty teaching and learning policies, procedures and minimum standards
  • Ways to review and monitor student feedback at the course and unit level including unit review processes
  • The practice and importance of evidence-based teaching practice for teaching teams


Activities undertaken by teachers that demonstrate these values

V1 : Respect diverse learners

  • Develop inclusive and accessible learning environments, activities, resources and assessments
  • Demonstrate and promote indigenous and other cultural competence and awareness in teaching and in student interactions
  • Provide appropriate scaffolding to support a range of student interactions
  • Identify and nurture high achieving learners

V2 : Promote participation and equality

  • Provide a variety and choice of learning activities, resources and assessments to support success of all learners
  • Provide links to resources within the unit to enable learners to actively seek appropriate support
  • Direct students to appropriate support services and resources for their needs
  • Be aware of factors that impact on student progress, retention and success; monitor and act on student progress, retention and success
  • Negotiate support or alternative pathways for students at risk or who have previously failed the unit

V3 : Use evidence-informed approaches

  • Engage in reflective practice for teaching
  • Contribute to scholarship of learning and teaching through sharing of practice, developing evidence-based approaches, research into dissemination and/or application of research
  • Seek opportunities for relevant professional learning activities

V4 : Acknowledge the wider context

  • Implement university, faculty and discipline priorities into teaching practice
  • Be aware of emerging trends and issues within the wider HE context around the student learning experience, student support and professional practice
  • Be aware of the changing nature of student demographics and implications for teaching practice


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