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Deakin Teaching Capability Framework


What is the Deakin Teaching Capability Framework?

At Deakin, we recognise that enhancing the capabilities of our teaching teams is one of the most important ways we can ensure a high-quality experience for our students. The Deakin Teaching Capability Framework is designed to guide capability development of staff whose roles contribute to teaching and learning at Deakin.

The framework recognises four key professional domains of teaching and learning that encompass both academic and professional roles.

  • Design learning opportunities
  • Deliver teaching interactions
  • Enable student learning experiences
  • Lead teaching teams

The framework articulates the central capacities that are important for staff in each of the four professional domains: Areas of Activity, Core Knowledge and Professional Values. This framework will help us to identify and articulate good practice in learning and teaching, and will drive our professional learning activities.

Why is this framework unique?

This framework brings together the Professional Standards Framework, an internationally recognised professional standards framework for higher education, with Deakin’s Curriculum Framework and Premium Principles for Learning and Teaching, to articulate the central capacities demonstrated by teaching teams, contextualised to Deakin.

For academic staff, the areas of activity in the framework are aligned with learning and teaching tasks in Deakin’s Minimum Standards for Academic Levels. The level of autonomy, complexity and influence with which these activities are undertaken increase as staff move up through the academic levels (A-E).

The framework is for everyone who contributes to learning and teaching at Deakin. The Teaching Capability Framework is unique, in that it recognises the multitude of academic and professional roles who work collaboratively to contribute to teaching and learning at Deakin across four professional domains: design, deliver, enable and lead. It clearly articulates the types of activities, core knowledge and professional values in context, for teaching teams working across a range of roles at Deakin.

How was the framework developed?

The framework has been developed by teaching and learning staff across Deakin. The typical activities, knowledge and values in each domain of the framework were based on the UKPSF, and then contextualised to Deakin and to the four domains in consultation with learning and teaching staff in a range of professional, academic and leadership roles at Deakin. We recognise this as a living document, and welcome feedback. 

Who is the framework for?

We know that at Deakin, teaching and supporting learning is a collaborative, multidisciplinary activity. The framework recognises all staff contributing to teaching and learning at Deakin including those who design, deliver, enable and lead learning and teaching, in both academic and professional roles. The following overview shows some of these roles and the professional domain in which they may work, recognising that many staff work across a range of domains.


Those who design learning opportunities at Deakin work together to design curriculum, resources, pedagogical strategies, learning activities, assessment and ways to use technology in learning.

  • Unit Chairs
  • Teaching Teams
  • Academic Designers
  • Language and Learning Advisors
  • Librarians


Those who deliver learning activities and interactions at Deakin support students learning on-campus, at work, online and in communities.

  • Sessional Staff
  • Teaching Teams
  • Unit Chairs
  • Academic Developers
  • Learning Designers
  • Careers staff
  • Language and Learning Advisors
  • Librarians
  • WIL/Placement Supervisors
  • DeakinCo (Credentials and Professional Learning)
  • DUELI (Enabling Programs)
  • DeakinCollege (Enabling Programs)
  • Learning Environments Team


Those who enable student experiences at Deakin provide resources, structures and services which support student learning. 

  • Learning Technologists
  • Language and Learning Advisors
  • Librarians
  • Equity and Diversity Staff
  • Academic Governance Groups
  • Learning Environments Team
  • Student Experience Staff
  • Teaching Capability Team
  • Technical support staff


Those who lead teaching teams at Deakin influence and impact on others learning and teaching practice. They work to build capability of teaching teams to provide premium experiences to our students. 

  • Course Directors
  • Associate Heads of School (T&L)
  • Associate Deans (T&L)
  • T&L Innovators
  • Senior Academic Developers
  • Senior Learning Designers
  • CRADLE fellows and staff
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