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About us

DTeach is Deakin University’s hub for innovation in higher education teaching practice.

Submit a blog article

The DTeach blog features stories of innovation in higher education from Deakin University. Contributions from all Deakin staff and students are welcome! Stories fall into broad categories around the topic of innovation, such as digital tools, inclusive education, Indigenous pedagogy and teaching online. We also feature articles on students as partners, capability building, Deakin profiles and Deakin events.


We aim to publish DTeach blog articles twice a week. At the end of each month these posts are shared in the DTeach newsletter, sent to the Deakin teaching and learning community.

Content included in the DTeach blog and newsletter is determined by the DTeach editorial committee, who meets at the beginning of each month. All content should meet Deakin’s editorial and tone of voice guidelines.

Submitted blog articles should be around 300 words in length. The first paragraph should capture the key messages of the whole article, much like an extract. When writing a blog article, consider who is the key audience and what is the key message to be conveyed.

Contributions may be edited by the DTeach content team for accuracy, tone of voice and adherence to Deakin’s Editorial Style Guide. Any significant changes will be shared back with the contributor before the article is published.

We welcome draft articles, finished pieces and ideas for contributions.


Articles can contain multimedia such as images, videos and audio files. Downloadable content such as PDFs may also be included, links to further resources are encouraged.

Things to keep in mind when including multimedia in a blog post: 

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