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Deakin T&L Academy

Deakin Teaching and Learning Academy

The Deakin Teaching and Learning Academy is where Deakin teaching and learning staff can build and share practice, learn with and from others, find support for developing a teaching career and be recognised for innovative practice.

Grow your practice, scholarship, and leadership.

The Academy will help Deakin staff to:

  • become more scholarly in their teaching practice
  • engage with a community of passionate educators at Deakin
  • explore ways to progress their career in teaching
  • identify what professional development is right for them
  • build leadership capabilities
  • gain recognition for practice
  • give back to the T&L community through mentoring and leading activities within the Academy.

Find your starting point, set your direction, and navigate through the professional development opportunities that the T&L Academy can offer you to develop your practice, scholarship, and leadership. Be recognised for your T&L expertise and connect with others.

Symbol for 'Practice' pillar in Deakin T&L Academy.

Practice activities support Deakin teachers to develop and build on you’re a scholarly approach to practice, evidencing effectiveness and reflecting on their work.

Symbol for 'Scholarship' pillar in Deakin T&L Academy

Scholarship activities will support Deakin teachers to develop you’re their understanding and experience in scholarship of practice, including researching their work.

Symbol for 'Leadership' pillar in Deakin T&L Academy

Leadership activities are designed for those in both formal and informal leadership positions in teaching and learning.

Symbol for 'Wayfinding' pillar in Deakin T&L Academy

Wayfinding activities will help teachers to identify and develop you’re their own professional learning pathway.

Symbol for 'Recognition' pillar in Deakin T&L Academy

Recognition programs support teachers to apply for awards and fellowships and be recognised for teaching and learning excellence.

Symbol for 'Connection' pillar in Deakin T&L Academy - circles overlapping, indicating paths crossing and connection

Connection activities are designed to help members connect and share you’re their practice with others.

Our values

We are:

Welcoming – we have a ‘no wrong door’ policy. We welcome all who engage in Academy activities and support them in developing a personalised professional learning pathway to engage with our activities.

The Academy strives for:

Excellence – we value and formally recognise the expertise of our teaching and learning leaders. In turn, our leaders share, mentor, and support our community to achieve quality and aspire for excellence.

The Academy is:

Collaborative – we look for opportunities to nurture, critique, and challenge each other’s practice and scholarship to ensure rigour. We develop growth-fostering relationships within the Academy and actively partner with other institutions and learning and teaching experts outside Deakin.


Transformational – we focus on opportunities for experiential learning, innovation, and growth to improve our teaching practice. Reflecting on practice transformation (individually, with peers and externally) is central to the Academy.

Our Advisory Group

The Advisory Group provides strategic oversight of the operations of the Academy. This group is chaired by Associate Professor Barbie Panther, Director, Teaching Capability, and membership includes the Pro Vice-Chancellor Teaching and Learning, Associate Deans (Teaching and Learning) from each faculty, the Director, Change and Organisational Development and representative members of the Academy.


The Deakin Teaching and Learning Academy is open to all Deakin staff who design, deliver, enable, and lead learning and teaching at Deakin. This includes academic and professional staff at all levels, continuing, contract or sessional.

Contact us

Are you curious about the Deakin T&L Academy? Please email us:

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