CloudDeakin guides
Roles and permissions
CloudDeakin system assigns users a role to a site. The role determines the permissions in the system.
The following two tables summaries the new roles and permissions:
Role | Description |
Unit Chair | Can view and manage discussions, assessments, grades, content and enrol staff. |
UC Dev | Can view and manage discussions, assessments, grades, content and enrol staff. Can manage interface, layout and widget design. |
UC-I | Can view and manage discussions, assessments, grades and content. Does not appear in Classlist. |
Lecturer | Can view and manage discussions, assessments, grades and content. Cannot delete discussion messages, add staff or reset quiz attempts. |
Tutor | Can view but not manage content, groups, quizzes, can post discussion messages. Cannot manage assessments, grades or publish feedback. |
Marking Tutor | Can view but not manage content, groups, quizzes. Can post discussion messages and publish feedback and enter grades. Cannot manage assessments or grades. |
Auditor | Can view but not manage content, groups, quizzes. Does not appear in Classlist. |
Visitor | Can only view unit sites. Cannot contribute or manage in any way. |
Participant | This role has the same permissions as Student except Assignment, Grades, Groups and Section Management, Quizzes, User Progress. |
Permissions |
Unit Chair |
UC Dev |
UC-I |
Lecturer |
Tutor |
Marking Tutor |
Auditor |
Visitor |
Participant |
View Content |
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Manage Content |
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View submitted assignments |
✓ |
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Provide feedback to submitted assignments |
✓ |
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Add, edit and delete folders in Assignments |
✓ |
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Compose, reply and post on Discussions |
✓ |
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Grade Discussions topic |
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Manage Discussions |
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Enter Grades |
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Manage items and categories in Grades |
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Appear in Classlist |
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Enrol staff |
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Manage Homepages and widgets |
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