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CloudDeakin guides


As a Unit Chair, you can create forms for your students to respond to, that can then be added to the Portfolio.
For example, create a form for recording work history information that students may wish to include in resumes. Sample fields that can be included are: Employer Name, Supervisor, Contact Information, Period of Employment, Job Description, Accreditation, and Skills Development. It is also possible to attach other information such as: Work Samples, Employment Evaluations and Letters of Reference.

Create a form

  1. You can access the Forms tool from the Setup on Navbar.
  2. Click on New Form Template.
  3. Enter a Name and Description.
  4. Click Save.
  5. You have the options of adding either a System Field or Custom Field.
    • System fields are automatically populated with data from a user’s profile. For example First Name, Last Name, Email and so on.
    • Custom fields are completed by students. There are 11 custom field options: drop-down list, radio button list, check box list, text input simple text, text input formatted text, numeric input, date and time input and so on.
  6. To add a system field, click Add System Field.
  7. From the list, select the fields you wish to use and click Add.
  8. To add custom fields, click Add Custom Field.
  9. Enter the Field Name.
  10. If it is a required field, tick the box.
  11. From the Data Type list, select the data type and complete all related fields. For example, if you would like to know the location of the work placement, you’ll use drop-down list and enter all the options that the students should select. Or if you would like to find out the employer name, you will use text input simple text.
  12. Click Save.
  13. Repeat step 6 to 12 for all the other fields.
  14. Click Preview Form Template to view the form you’ve created.
    Note: You need to make the form available to students through either the News item or Resources.
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