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CloudDeakin guides


Zoom is a synchronous communications tool that can facilitate communication and collaboration between staff and students. It is integrated with CloudDeakin to make it easier to schedule and join Zoom sessions directly from unit sites.

Using the integration, teaching teams can:

  • Schedule and manage Zoom meeting from a unit through Resources or Calendar.
  • Import meetings into the CloudDeakin (D2L) unit from the zoom web/app.
  • Start or join Zoom meetings from the unit site.
  • Edit or delete Zoom meetings from the unit.
  • View attendance reports.

Students are able to:

  • join Zoom meetings through Content in the unit site
  • view upcoming meetings
  • view previous meetings.

Note: All zoom recordings are now stored in Panopto.

Setting up the Zoom integration (LTI) in your unit site

Note: Your Faculty Learning Innovation team may set up the integration for you.

  1. Login to CloudDeakin and go to the unit site.
  2. Go to Content and module where you need to setup the Zoom session.
  3. Click on Existing Activities and select External Learning Tools.
  4. Select either:
    Zoom SSO from the list of tools if you wish your Zoom recording to go under your personal folder
    Zoom from the list if you wish your Zoom recordings to go under Panopto unit folder.
  5. Rename the link by editing the title if required.

Schedule a Zoom session

Important note: We recommend that sessions are scheduled by the person who will be facilitating them e.g. the lecturer or tutor running the class/seminar. Users cannot participate in more than two Zoom meetings at the same time* so if a user is listed as a host or co-host for more than two concurrent or overlapping sessions, they will be unable to start or join a third session without ending one of the already running sessions. This applies to both meeting hosts and co-hosts. To avoid prematurely ending meetings, we recommend that each meeting is scheduled by the person who will facilitate it – if alternate hosts are required, you should ensure that your alternate host will not be a host, co-host or participant of more than one other concurrent or overlapping session.

You must schedule Recurring sessions at fixed times if you are linking your Zoom session to an on-campus Teaching Space. If you record the session, the session name, date and time will be included in the recording file information. When scheduling these sessions, make sure you check the recurrence is set for the correct day.

No Fixed Time Sessions can be used when you have lots of different activities such as seminars or drop in sessions each week and don’t want to overwhelm students with a listing for each session each week. We recommend that you include the session day and time in the meeting topic/name for ease of navigation e.g. MAA101 Seminar – Tuesday 9am; MAA101 Seminar – Tuesday 4pm. Note that if you are recording these sessions in Zoom, you may need to rename each recording to reflect the date or week in which it was recorded.

We do not recommend setting up the meeting to record automatically. If you do use the ‘automatic recording’ setting, make sure you turn off the option to ‘allow participants to join before host’.

  1. Click on the new Zoom link created and click Schedule a New Meeting option from the Zoom portal.
  2. Fill in all the fields as required:
    • Topic name
    • Description
    • Date
    • Duration
    • Enable recurring if you wish to add a recurring meeting
    • Enable a passcode and Waiting Room if required
    • Setup video option for host and participants
    • Setup Meeting option
    • Add Alternate Hosts. Please note that users must not be added as hosts or co-hosts on more than two concurrent or overlapping meetings as this will result in being unable to start or join further meetings without ending those meetings already in progress.
  3. Click Save.

Note: At this point you will have an option to import polls prior to the session via a csv. Download the csv template and import the csv once completed.

* To enable yourself to participate in two Zoom meetings at the same time, log into and go to Settings. Under ‘In meeting (basic)’, check the box for ‘join different meetings simultaneously’.

Import Zoom meetings

  1. Click on the Zoom SSO link within the module.
  2. Click on the three dots on the right hand side of the portal.
  3. Enter the Meeting ID of the meeting that needs to be imported and click Import.

Start or Join Zoom meetings from the unit

  1. Click on the Zoom SSO link within the module.
  2. Click on the Start button next to the scheduled session.

Note: If you are not the host or an alternate host for the session, you will see a Join button instead of the Start button.

Edit or delete Zoom meetings from the unit

  1. Click on the Zoom SSO link within the module.
  2. To delete a scheduled session, click on the Delete button.
  3. To edit the session, click on the Topic Name.
  4. Scroll to the bottom on the screen and click on Edit this Meeting. Don’t forget to click Save once you’re done with the changes.
  5. You can choose to Start or Delete the meeting from the same screen.
    Note: Only the host (creator of the session) can edit or delete the session.

View and manage previous meetings

  1. Click on the Zoom SSO link within the module.
  2. Choose the tab depending on the activity that you want to complete from portal: Upcoming Meetings, Previous Meetings, Personal Meeting Room and Cloud Recording tabs are available.
  3. To view all upcoming meetings, click on the Upcoming Meetings tab. Staff can start/join or delete the session from this section of the portal.
  4. To view all previous sessions, click on the Previous Meetings tab. Staff and view all previous meetings and view attendance report for all previous meetings from this section of the portal.
  5. Click on the Personal Meeting Room tab to start an instant meeting or schedule a meeting using your Personal Meeting ID (PMI).
    Note: Your Personal Meeting Room is a virtual meeting room permanently reserved for you that you can access with your PMI or personal link, if applicable.

Further help

For more information, refer to

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