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Quizzes – Managing quizzes 

Attempts and grades

Reset an attempt

  1. Click on Assessments and select Quizzes link.
  2. Click on Grade from the contextual menu of the quiz you wish to reset an attempt.
  3. Type the student’s name in the Search For box and click Search.
  4. Click on the checkbox next to the attempt 1.
  5. Click on the Reset button.
  6. You’ll be asked to confirm this action, click Yes.

Force submission

  1. Click on Assessments and select Quizzes link.
  2. Click on Grade from the contextual menu of the quiz you wish to force submissions.
  3. Click on Show Search Options. From the dropdown list of Restrict to, select Users with attempts in progress and click on Search.
  4. Click on Enter Quiz as User.
  5. Click Yes to confirm your action.
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit Quiz.
  7. On the confirmation pop-up, click on Yes.
  8. From the page, click on Submit Quiz.

Regrade a quiz question

  1. Click on Assessments and select Quizzes link.
  2. Click on Grade from the contextual menu of the quiz you wish to regrade a question.
  3. Select the Questions tab.
  4. To regrade all attempts select Update All Attempts.
  5. Select the question you want to regrade.
  6. Under Grading Type, select how you would like to regrade the question. You can either give all attempts a specific number of points, or you can give attempts with a particular answer a specific number of points.
  7. Click Save.

Import questions from previous trimester

  1. Go to the previous trimester site.
  2. Click on Setup.
  3. Under Site Resources, click on Import/Export/Copy Components.
  4. Click on Export as Brightspace Package.
  5. Click Start.
  6. From the Select Components to Export page, select Question Library.
  7. Choose either Export all items or Select individual items to export.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. You will be asked to select questions if you’ve selected to export selected questions. Click Export.
  10. Click Done.
  11. Click on Updates alerts icons, use the link to download the export zip file and click Done.
  12. Navigate to your current trimester site.
  13. Click on Setup.
  14. Click on Import/Export/Copy Components.
  15. Click on Import Components.
  16. Click Upload and select the file you’ve downloaded and click Open.
  17. Choose Import All Components.
  18. All your questions are now in the Question Library.
  19. Refer to Quizzes to create a quiz with questions that you’ve just imported.

Statistics and reports

View quiz statistics

  1. Click on Assessments and select Quizzes link.
  2. Click on Statistics from the context menu of the quiz you wish to view statistics.
  3. Click on one of the following:
    a. The User Stats tab shows the class average, student’s score as a percentage and the score distributions chart.
    b. The Question Stats tab shows the average score on questions by percentage and total attempts.
    c. The Question Details tab shows detailed information about each question in the quiz, including a list of all of the answers provided for each quiz attempt and how many students chose each possible answer.

Create a report

  1. Click on Setup Reports from the context menu of the quiz you wish to create report.
  2. Click on Add Report.
  3. Enter a Report Name.
  4. Select Report Type.
  5. You can choose to immediately release a report after a quiz submission, or enter a date and time.
  6. In the Release Report To, select the check box beside each role you wish to release the report to, for example Unit Chair.
  7. Click Save.

View quiz report

  1. Click on View Reports from the context menu of the quiz you wish to view report.
  2. Click on the report you want to view.
  3. Select the From and To check boxes and set the calendar dates to restrict your report to a specific time frame.
  4. Click Generate CSV Report to save the report as a CSV file on your computer, or click Generate HTML Report to view the report in your browser.

Copy, reorder and delete quizzes

Copy quizzes

Use this method to duplicate the quiz. A copied quiz contains all of the questions from the original quiz.

  1. On the Manage Quizzes page, click Copy from the More Actions contextual menu.
  2. Select a quiz from the Quiz to Copy dropdown list.
  3. Enter a name in the New Quiz Name field.
  4. Select Edit Quiz after copy completes if you want to go to the Edit page after creating your copy.
  5. Click Save.

Note: Ensure that you return to the copied quiz to add a grade item, change the start date, end date and release conditions of the quiz.

Reorder quizzes

  1. Click on Assessments and select Quizzes link.
  2. Click on More Actions and select Reorder.
  3. Change the order of the quiz using the sort order dropdown list.
  4. Click Save.

Delete a quiz

  1. Click on Assessments and select Quizzes link.
  2. Use the checkboxes to select quizzes that you wish to delete.
  3. Click on More Actions and select Delete.
  4. Click Delete Selected.
  5. You’ll be asked to confirm, click Yes.
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