CloudDeakin guides
OnTrack – Units
To get started with creating and managing a unit in OnTrack, ensure your account is of the correct permission level.
- Log in to OnTrack.
- Select Manage Units from the Administration dropdown in the top right menu.
- Select Create unit button at the bottom right corner.
- Enter the name and unit code of the unit.
- After the unit is created, select the newly created unit from the list of units.
- Now that the unit is created, there are a number of settings which must be populated before the unit can be properly used. Please follow the steps below.
Unit details
Select the first tab: Unit Details.
Enter all details:
- Unit Code
- Unit Name
- Unit Description
- Start Date
- End Date
- Active (Whether or not the unit will is open)
Learning outcomes
Select the second tab: Learning Outcomes.
Add learning outcomes for the unit by filling the fields in the Add Outcome modal. You can also modify or delete the previously added learning outcomes.
Learning Outcomes can also be batch uploaded or downloaded, by using the CSV file upload/download panel at the right-hand-side.
Select the third tab: Staff.
The staffs for a unit will include the unit chair and tutors. These staff can easily be added to the unit by searching for the staff member’s name, and then selecting the Add Staff button.
Note: The search field will auto-complete the staff members name. If the staff member you are trying to assign to a unit is not appearing, ensure the name is spelled correctly, and that the user has previously added to the OnTrack system. Refer to Assign staff to a tutorial guide (below) for more details.
Select the fourth tab: Tutorials.
Tutorials include the physical and cloud / online tutorials for a unit for which students will attend. Each tutorial will have a tutor from the teaching staff for the unit assigned.
To create a new tutorial, simply select the Add Tutorial button, and fill in the fields in the modal. This includes:
- Abbreviation – A short abbreviation for the unit, example: LA1.
- Location – The room code for the tutorial. If the tutorial does not have a room, you can chose the text, for example Cloud.
- Day – The day of the tutorial.
- Time – The time of the tutorial.
- Tutor – The staff member who will be taking the tutorial. This is the tutor who will receive the student submissions for the unit.
After completing the modal, simply select Create to create the tutorial.
Select the fifth tab: Students.
Students is the list of students who are enrolled into the unit. You can enroll students by batch, or manually. Refer to Enrol and Manage Users guide for more information on how to enroll and manage students.
Select the seventh tab: Tasks.
The tasks are the individual learning tasks which your students needs to complete in a unit. Refer to Create and Manage Tasks guide for more information on how to create and manage tasks.
Task alignment
Select the eight tab: Task Alignment.
Task Alignment is the relationship between a task, and each of the learning outcomes which were entered in a previous step. You should align each task to demonstrate how strongly it relates to a learning outcome.
For example, in this screenshot, task 1.1P Strongly (5/5) aligns with the CT learning outcome (Critical Thinking), but only weakly (2/5) aligns with the W (Writing) learning outcome. You can present a rationale for each alignment.
Refer to Create and Manage Student groups guide for information on creating and managing student groups in OnTrack.
Assign staff to tutorial
Each tutorial in OnTrack should have an assigned teaching staff member, to ensure that the submissions for the tutorial are directed to the correct teaching staff.
To assign a tutor to a tutorial:
- Log in to OnTrack.
- Select Manage units from the Administration dropdown in the top right menu.
- Next, click on the appropriate unit to administer.
- Select the Staff tab to ensure that the tutor you wish to assign is enrolled in the unit, and has the correct permission.
- Once that is done, select the Tutorials tab.
- Select the tutorial in the list you wish to assign a tutor to.
- In the Tutor field, type the name of the appropriate tutor and select the tutor name from the dropdown.