CloudDeakin guides
OnTrack – Glossary
- Administrator – Someone who has permissions within OnTrack to create and manage the OnTrack system. May or may not be a member of teaching staff.
- Unit Chair/Convenor – The teaching staff member primarily involved with running a unit.
- Tutorial – A group of students within a unit grouped by time and location. Campus tutorials have a room number, cloud tutorials may not.
- Tutor – A member of the teaching staff, who is responsible for the marking of student task submissions for a given unit’s tutorial.
- Unit – The subject or unit of study, for example: Introduction to Philosophy.
- Task – An individual piece of work a student may be asked to complete in a unit.
- Learning Outcomes – The academic outcomes which students will achieve at the completion of a unit.
- Task Alignment – How closely a given task is associated with each of the learning outcomes.
- Task Status/Task Grade – One of the possible task statuses a task can be on:
- Fail – Not successfully met the requirements of the task.
- Feedback Exceeded – Task has been submitted too many times, with the teaching staff concluding that the student is not heeding feedback.
- Redo – The task has been assessed to be of low quality, or inappropriate, and should be restarted.
- Fix and Resubmit – The task is on the right track, but needs to be improved or fixed.
- Discuss – The tutor is happy with the submission, and would like to discuss the task with the student.
- Demonstrate – The tutor is happy with the submission, and would like the student to demonstrate the work.
- Complete- The tutor is happy with the submission, and it is ready for inclusion in the portfolio.
- Portfolio – A collection of student tasks (submissions) throughout a unit, which provides evidence of student learning. Student and tutor comments are included in the final document, and it is this document which is used to assess a final grade for the student.
- Target Grade – The grade which a student is aiming for, which dictates the sequence of tasks which should be completed in the unit. One of: Pass, Credit, Distinction, High Distinction.
- Task Inbox – The list of tasks which have been submitted by students, for assessment and feedback from the student’s tutor.
- Task Definition – An assignment-like document which details what is expected and required of students for satisfactory completion.
- Plagiarism – In OnTrack, plagiarism refers to a report containing information about a possible case of student plagiarism.
- Gravatar – The system which provides profile-photo support in OnTrack.
- Student Groups – groups of students either within a tutorial or a unit, which allows submission of group work, rather than individual task submissions.