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The Assignments tool can help you streamline all of the administration around assignment submission, eliminating the need to receive and track assignments by mail, fax, or email. Students can submit, check and resubmit their assignments online.

Once assignments are submitted, you can do all the following from within the Assignments tool:

  • check submission times
  • grade assignments
  • leave feedback
  • return submissions with comments
  • download assignments as zip files
  • sort assignments by students.

To access the Assignments tool, click on Assessments and then click on the Assignments link on your unit navigation bar.


Create an assignment

You can organise your assignments into categories to make it easier for students to navigate. For example, you can create separate categories for each module or week or for different types of assignments.

Assignments are where students submit assignments. You can set up assignments for each of your assignments and set start dates, end dates and other release conditions, if desired. You can also set up special access and associate folders with competency activities.

  1. Click on Assessments and then click on Assignments link in the Navigation bar.
  2. Click New Assignment Folder. Enter the Name for the assignment.
  3. Enter a Grade Out Of. The grade item is automatically added to your Gradebook.
  4. Select a Due Date. This is to set the actual due date of the assignment.
  5. Add Instructions that you wish to provide to students.
  6. Add any attachments, audio, or video notes.
  7. Expand Availability Dates & Conditions.
  8. Select a Start Date: use this option if you do not want students to access a folder before the specified date.
  9. Select an End Date: use this option if you want to stop students from submitting assignments after a due date.
  10. If you have any Release Conditions and Special Access, add them here.
  11. Expand Submission & Completion.
  12. For the Assignment Type, specify if this is an Individual Assignment or Group Assignment.
  13. Select a category if you wish to organise the assignment in a category. You can use New category to create a new one.
  14. Select a Submission Type:
    • For File submissions, set the number of Files Allowed Per Submission and the Submissions rules.
    • For Text submissions, set the Submission rules.
    • For On paper submissions, set Marked as completed to one of the available options: Manually by learners, Automatically on evaluation, or Automatically on due date.
    • For Observed in person assignments, set Marked as completed to one of the available options: Manually by learners, Automatically on evaluation, or Automatically on due date.
  15. Under Files allowed per submission, you can choose either the unlimited or one file per submission.
  16. The Allowable File Extensions field provides options for the types of files that students can submit for the assignment.
  17. Select a Submissions option (Keep all submissions, Overwrite submissions, Only one submission allowed).
  18. To receive email notifications when an assignment is submitted, under Notification Email, enter an email address or multiple email addresses separated by a comma.
  19. Expand Evaluation & Feedback.
  20. Click Add rubric and either create and attach a new rubric or add an existing one.
  21. To display annotation tools in the document viewer, under Annotation Tools, select the Make annotation tools available for assessment check box.
  22. Click Save and Close to complete the process.

Create assignment categories (optional)

  1. From the Assignment page, click the Edit Categories link.
  2. Click on Add Category.
  3. Enter a title
  4. Click Create.

Edit assignments

Set visibility

When the assignment is ready to release to students, from the Assignments page, click on Make Visible to Users from the context menu of the assignment you wish to set visibility.

Edit an assignment

  1. From the Assignments page, click Edit Assignment from the context menu of the assignment you wish to edit.
  2. Update the assignment details as desired.
  3. Click Save.

Edit multiple assignments

  1. From the Assignments page, select the assignments you want to edit.
  2. Click the Bulk Edit button at the top or bottom of the page.
  3. Update the appropriate fields.
  4. Click Save.

Add special access permissions

Special access permissions allow you to develop learning engagement strategies, particularly when dealing with students with special consideration circumstances. You can set different availability dates and times for special cases. For example, you could extend the deadline for users who require additional assistance or who are submitting work beyond the original scope of the assignment. You can also add special access after a folder’s end date has passed for students who have a legitimate reason for missing the deadline or for students that may need to submit additional material, such as planning notes or a bibliography.

  1. Expand Availability Dates & Conditions.
  2. Click on Manage Special Access.
  3. Select either:
    – Allow users with special access to submit outside the normal availability dates for this folder
    – Allow only users with special access to see this folder.
  4. Click the Add Users to Special Access button.
  5. Select Date Availability you want for the special access students.
  6. Use the View By and Search For options to locate the students you want to give special access.
  7. Select the boxes beside the appropriate students’ names in the grid.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Once you have added special access permissions for students they are listed. You can edit or delete students’ special access by clicking the Edit or Delete icons beside their names.
  10. Click Save and Close.

Grading assignments

View submitted files

The Assignments page provides a summary of the Total Files, Unread Files, and Flagged Files within each folder. To view the files, including when they were submitted, use the Submissions page.

  1. To view files from the Assignments page, click the title of the assignment you want to view submissions for.
  2. Select either the Users tab or Submissions tab depending on whether you want to view and search submissions by user or file name.
  3. Enter search criteria in the Search For field to narrow the list of submissions.
  4. Click Show Search Options to refine your search.

Track submissions

  1. From the Assignments page, click on the title of the assignment.
  2. Click on Submission Log.

The Submission Log can be filtered to determine if and when a student submitted a file, and whether the Unit Chair deleted the submission. If a submission was accidentally deleted, the Unit Chair can restore it from this view.

Email students who have not submitted

  1. From the Assignments page, click on the title of the assignment.
  2. Click Email Users Without Submissions or Email Groups Without Submissions on the action bar.
  3. Type your message in the Compose New Message pop-up. The email addresses of the selected students populate automatically in the BCC field of the message. (This ensures that each student does not know which other students may be receiving the reminder message.)
  4. Click Send.
    Note: If any member of a group submits an assignment to a group assignment folder, no one in that group is emailed when Email Groups Without Submissions is selected.

Download student submissions

  1. From the Assignment page, click on the title of the assignment.
  2. Do one of the following:
    On the Users tab, select the students or groups you want to download assignments for.
    On the Submissions tab, select the files you want to download.
  3. Click the Download icon.
  4. Click the name of the zip file that is created.
  5. Use your browser’s save dialog to save the file to the appropriate location.
    Note: Files are renamed to include the student’s or group’s name and submission time when you download them. Downloading assignments changes their status to read.

Set submissions as read or unread

  1. From the Assignments page, click on the title of assignment you would like to set.
  2. Select the files you want to mark as read or unread, and click the Mark as Unread for selected students as unread or Mark as Read for selected students as read icons at the top or bottom of the list.

Note: When you open or download a file it is automatically marked as read.

Leave feedback and grading submissions

The Leave Feedback page allows you to leave students’ feedback on their assignments and or learning engagement. You can also input a grade for assignments linked to a grade item and select a rubric level for assignments linked to an activity. Text you enter into the text box will also appear in the students’ view of the grades.

  1. From the Assignments page, click on the title of assignment you would like to grade.
  2. Click the Go to Evaluation link beside the name of the student you want to leave feedback for.
  3. Carefully read through the student’s work.
  4. If applicable, click on the Rubrics title to mark assignments using rubrics.
  5. Select the rubric levels.
  6. Enter the student’s score on the assignment, if applicable.
    Note: The grade score and comments will transfer to the Grades tool, providing there is a grade item associated to the assignment.
  7. Enter Feedback in the textbox.
  8. You can also attach any files you want to associate with the feedback.
    Note: If you want to put feedback directly on the student’s file, download it, add the feedback and save it. Then, attach the copy of a student’s assignment with the feedback for the student to review.
  9. You can also record your feedback using Record Audio or Record Video, see below steps.
  10. Click either Save Draft to release results to students in the future or Publish to release the results instantly. See below on how to publish feedback to students at once.
    Note: If you accidentally click Publish rather than Save Draft, click on Retract to revert to draft.

Audio recording

  1. To record audio, click on Record Audio.
  2. Click Allow to allow they system to access your microphone.
  3. Click on New Recording to record your audio. You can record up to 3 minutes of audio.
  4. Click Stop Recording when you finish recording.
  5. The system will playback your audio.
  6. If you want to re-record, click New Recording.
  7. If you are satisfied with your recording, click Add.
  8. You will be prompted to enter a Title and a Description.
  9. Click on Add.

Video recording

  1. To record video, click on Record Video.
  2. Click Allow to allow the system to access your camera and microphone.
  3. Click on New Recording to record your video. You can record up to 3 minutes of video.
  4. Click Stop Recording when you finish recording.
  5. The system will playback your video.
  6. If you want to re-record, click New Recording.
  7. If you are satisfied with your recording, click Add.
  8. You will be prompted to enter a Title and a Description.
  9. Click on Add.

Release grades to students

The Publish Feedback button allow you to release assignment grades and feedback to students at once.

  1. From the Assignments page, click on the title of assignment you would like to release grade.
  2. Tick the box of Select all rows or individually select all the students whose results you wish to release.
  3. Click on Publish Feedback.
    Ensure that the Grade Item of the assignment is visible to students from Grades
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