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ePortfolio – Import and export

The Import and Export tool enables you to add or move ePortfolio items for use in other ePortfolios. When you export items, you also export the item’s description, tags, and settings. You can export your entire portfolio content or specific items. If you export specific items, use the auto-include options to ensure you also export any related items you might want.

Auto-include options

Auto-include options appear at the top of the Select Items to Export page. They enable you to specify which types of related or associated items to export with the items you selected to export. If an item is included multiple times, it will only appear once in the export zip file.


Export all items

  1. Click on My Items.
  2. Click on More Actions button and select Go to Import/Export page.
  3. Click Export.
  4. To export all items from your ePortfolio, click All Items.
  5. To exclude items from the export list, click on Delete icon for those items.
  6. Click Export.
  7. Select View progress of the export package and click the link when the file packaging is complete.
  8. Save the export file to your computer or storage device.

Export specific items

  1. Click on My Items.
  2. Click on More Actions button and select Go to Import/Export page.
  3. Click Export.
  4. To export all items from your ePortfolio, click Selected Items.
  5. Click Add Items.
  6. From the pop-up window, select the items you want to export and click Add.
  7. To remove unwanted items from the export list, click on Delete icon for those items.
  8. Click Export.
  9. Select View progress of the export package and click on the link when the file packaging is complete.
  10. Save the export file to your computer or storage device.

Export a single item

  1. Click on My Items.
  2. Click on the Actions button next to the title of the item you wish you export.
  3. Then, select Export option.
  4. From the pop-up window, click Next.
  5. Click on the link of the file to download a copy.


You can only import Desire2Learn ePortfolio packages into your portfolio. If you have other items you want to add to your ePortfolio, use the File Upload to add them individually.

  1. Click on My Items.
  2. Click on More Actions button and select Go to Import/Export page.
  3. Click on Import.
  4. Use Browse to select the file to upload.
  5. Click Next.
  6. On the Preview page for the import package, enter any new Tags that you want all imported items to have.
  7. Click Import All Items.
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