9 October 2023
Ep. 75 – Reshaping learning spaces for the future
The current state of learning spaces in higher education is in a period of transition. The spaces that were originally used for specific purposes, like lectures, are being reshaped into learning spaces for the future. This future is moving towards an active and collaborative model that enhances the learning experience for students in the physical and digital space.
Amanda highlights that because of the move to online delivery during the pandemic, many current students have done most of their studies in the digital, making these spaces more important than ever. With consultation across the University, we realise the need to create spaces that are well-designed and adaptable to different contexts. The role of technology is integrated into this context, so the spaces are flexible enough to promote active and collaborative learning.
Questioning the role of learning spaces is not new for Deakin University, however, the current learning spaces work is leveraging learning from previous iterations to ensure there is an enrichment of the experience for students and staff. It’s particularly important that the reshaping of Deakin’s learning spaces prepares students for their future professional lives.
Listen to episode 75 to hear more valuable insights into how you can rethink your learning spaces today.