19 September 2023
Navigating the landscape of SoTL
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – a new Deakin guide for our educators
As the Deakin community welcomes the blossoming spring, a season synonymous with growth and new beginnings, it’s only fitting that we introduce a resource tailored to nurture our educator endeavours: the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Guide.
This storied guide, a collaborative effort between Deakin Library and the Deakin Teaching and Learning Academy, explores the world of SoTL from a big tent perspective (Huber & Hutchings, 2005). Importantly, the shape of this guide is designed to respond and connect to the Deakin Teaching and Learning Academy program Introduction to SoTL, and you can explore the program’s recordings at any time. Plain language and inclusive ways of discussing this area of research in the guide are a match to the teaching approach being taken in the program.

SoTL defined
Delve into the ‘what is’ and ‘why is’ of SoTL. We share perspectives and discussion about key thinkers in the pedagogy and practice of SoTL. Through this section, both early career educators and seasoned scholars can engage with the field of SoTL and reflect on how this might support their teaching practice.
Navigating research design in SoTL
From research designs and methodologies to data collection and analysis methods, guidance is provided around SoTL research. This section aims to provide our educators with a path through what Donald Schön (1983) called the swampy lowland of SoTL.
The power of SoTL Literature
Reading is the ‘single most influential research activity’ you can do when beginning a SoTL project. We delve into some SoTL literature and provide multiple pathways to explore further, including a curated resource list, SoTL focused journals to explore, and embedded Library search functions.
You and SoTL
For educators and researchers aspiring to enhance their practices, or simply explore the domain of SoTL, we hope this guide is an invaluable resource.
Access the guide
The SoTL guide can be found on the Library website or through browsing the Deakin Library Study and Research guides listing. As an open by design guide, with easy access to the public, you can also find it through web browser search terms like: Deakin, guide, SOTL.
Engagement opportunities
All are encouraged to explore this guide to its fullest. However, SoTL is not a solo journey. For deeper engagements and dialogues around SoTL, Deakin Teaching and Learning Academy is a path for Deakin staff. The Library offers research support in advanced searching, research tools and software, or in understanding the publishing environment.
Huber, M.T. & Hutchings, P. (2005). The advancement of learning: Building a teaching commons.
Schön, D. (1983). The reflective practitioner: How professionals think in action.