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10 May 2023

Ep. 67 – AI: revolutionising industries and transforming education

AI has taken the higher education industry by storm with ChatGPT taking centre stage in many conversations. However, AI is an ever-evolving landscape with significant implications for education and other industries. In episode 67, Jesse McMeikan and Joan Sutherland discuss how he prepares students to use AI and supports them to adapt to the rapidly changing environment.

Jesse talks about the cutting-edge projects his students have contributed to including game development, game creation and solving authentic problems for industry organisations. From improving efficiency in heating and ventilation, to enhancing customer service in call centres, Jesse highlights the need to look beyond ChatGPT and how we can leverage AI in higher education.

Joan and Jesse also talk about the importance of working with AI rather than against it. As the job market continues to evolve, higher education must embrace these new ways of working. By adopting AI technology and studying relevant industry trends, we can harness the power of technology and support our students to graduate and prepare them for the workforce.

Listen to episode 67 to hear more about how AI is bigger than ChatGPT and ways in which it is revolutionising industries and transforming education.

Access transcript.

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