20 July 2022
Announcing the 2022 DeakinDesign Seeding Grants
We are excited to announce the recipients of the 2022 DeakinDesign Seeding Grants! We recently launched the DeakinDesign principles and practices, a new framework that underpins how we deliver learning and teaching at Deakin. It’s all about strategically transforming and revitalising our approach to education, establishing our distinctive model for digital education in a COVID-normal world.
The seeding grants support the initiatives of teaching teams that actively use DeakinDesign to create innovative learning experiences for our students. We’ve awarded two types of seeding grants to this year’s recipients. One grant is for small scale changes that happen at a unit level, the other is for larger changes at the course level.
We’ve awarded grants to 34 initiatives across all four faculties, ranging from integrating VR and simulations to developing more inclusive learning experiences. Associate Professor Darci Taylor, Director, Learning Design with Deakin Learning Futures was impressed with the high standard of seeding grant applications, ‘The applications received were of a very high standard. We received a large number of high-quality applications from across all faculties. It was great to see such an enthusiastic response from staff who engaged with this process, and the new principles – it’s a testament to how committed our staff are to improving the Deakin student experience.’
The DeakinDesign Seeding grant recipients will participate in a DeakinDesign Community of Practice while they deliver the bulk of their work over the next 6 months. Deakin staff will have the opportunity to learn more about these exciting projects through a series of presentations and published work, culminating with a Deakin symposium to be held in early 2023.
Visit the DeakinDesign Seeding Grants page to see a full list of recipients and learn more about the DeakinDesign principles and practices on DTeach.