Deakin’s new assignment extension tool
Deakin recently launched an assignment extension tool, a new standardised digital system that allows students to request an assignment extension, and staff to easily respond and manage the request and any follow-up actions.
Streamlining the system
Every year, thousands of students seek an extension on their assignment deadlines for a wide variety of reasons. Processing a request for an assignment extension can be a complex and work-intensive task for Unit Chairs and faculty support staff.
Previously, each faculty took a slightly different approach to processing assignment extensions. In 2019, Deakin Learning Futures saw the opportunity to create an assignment extension system that would centralise the process and form a database of extension requests, creating a more cohesive experience for both students and staff.
The new assignment extension tool helps reduce pressure on Unit Chairs and support staff by drastically reducing the amount of manual processes involved in managing extension requests. This new tool is also centrally managed, which means it will be supported with continual updates. Ruary Ross, Faculty Learning Environments Lead in Deakin Learning Futures and project lead for the assignment extension tool highlighted the positive impact of a central system: ‘A centrally supported assignment extension system fills a gap in our digital services ecosystem and provides a high-quality service for staff and students.’
Uptake of the assignment extension tool
The new assignment extension tool is now being used by three of Deakin’s four faculties, the Faculty of Science, Engineering and Built Environment (SEBE), Faculty of Arts and Education and Faculty of Business and Law. Deakin Learning Futures is currently working on bespoke changes to the tool to meet the needs of Faculty of Health so they can begin using the tool in the second half of 2022.
Since Trimester 1 2020 the tool has processed over 88,000 assignment extension requests.
An award-winning collaboration
To create the assignment extension tool, Deakin Learning Futures and Digital Services came together with all the faculties to form a special task force. The design of the tool was based on a model built and used by SEBE, with a new development approach that utilised expertise from across the University, including Cyber Security, Software Development, Apps and Integrations, Solutions Architects, Business Analysis, Faculty subject matter experts for Requirements and User Acceptance Testing, Student Services, Solicitors, Communications and EduTech experts.
In 2020 the team was awarded a Vice-Chancellor Award for ‘Ways of Working’. This award recognises the excellent contribution of the Assignment Extension Tool Remediation Project Team and the advancement of the University’s Strategic Plan, Deakin 2030: Ideas to Impact.
Learn more about the Assignment extension tool
You can learn more about the student perspective of extension tools on DTeach and see how students access the assignment extension tool on the newly consolidated assignments webpage.